
Showing posts from December, 2010

Way Too Many Holidays in Kurdistan

Studies reveal the average time off in European Union countries is now 34.4 days, compared with just 25 in the US. Overall, employees in Lithuania are entitled to the greatest amount of paid leave, with 41 holidays per year. France and Finland come close in second, with 40 holidays a year. What about Kurdistan?  Just in the month of March, the average time off is 20-25 days.  Ramadan of this year, work hours were cut down by 2-3 hours daily for the whole month. Why? Because of fasting. Following Ramadan, a whole week was granted as a holiday for the feast of Eid il-Fitr. Two months later, another 7 days were granted for the Eid il Adha holiday, followed by the 1 st  day of the Islamic Calendar and the 10 th  day of the Muharam. All these days are sacred days; therefore they are considered holidays.  My dear reader, Kurdistan is the only region in the whole world that practices 3 new years; Nawruz, January 1st and the first day of the Islamic calendar. ...