The Ducks
Hello everyone, It saddens me that we have not reconnected in little over a month. I have loads to fill you guys in with. First of all I got selected by the Vice President of the University to direct the postgraduate studies at my University under his supervision. Also the university granted me a beautiful house so I have been busy moving my stuff. The freshmen or the freshies, which I like to call them by, have finally started classes. I am their academic adviser so I am hearing exciting stories from each and everyone of them. They have so much to share. I like to commit this blog to my first year dental students, also known as the ducks or the freshies. I remember when I first started college, I really did not know what to expect in my first day of school. I remember I was assigned an old sister, where she was to guide me and be there for me whenever I had a concern about a school related matter. As for Kurdistan, the story is a ...