Apparently, I Don’t Date Like a Man

That is right.  I hear who pays for the date reflects on the bad dating life.  I was reading this random article online the other day about the red flags that any woman should look for in a bad-date.  And to my surprise one of the red flags was this whole dating thingamajigs that I’ve been thinking about lately.  If a guy allows you to pay in a date, then that is definitely not a good sign!  Well then what have you been doing in terms of paying the bill? Are you anticipating it coming, and then jumping on it as soon as it hits the table? Or do you have money out when you get in line? If so, hang back a little, just be relaxed. It doesn't have to be awkward.

I was also having a conversation with someone the other day and we were talking about the social implications of who pays on a date. She contend that if a man pays for the meal that it means he is interested and is expecting something further from the date/relationship/whatnot. If a woman pays for the meal or goes dutch it means that she just wants to be friends.

Generally the guy will grab the check/have his money ready if given the chance. If the pause is awkward, you pay, but don't make a production out of it. If he lets you pay, it's probably a bad sign. I say this as a woman in her 20s, though, and things might be different with guys abet older (mid 30s).

If I pay for the meal/date, I am doing it to just "be friends,” that does not necessarily translate to going dutch is for. If I pay, that does not mean I'm expecting something more. This apparently is a problem cause I might be the only one who dates this way. It also must be a sign of my lack of success in the dating department.


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